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PREOS Global Office Real Estate & Technology AG share

Tradeable at all relevant stock exchanges: Frankfurt, Munich, Xetra etc.

Segment: Freiverkehr München
Trading segment: m:access
Total shares: 113.467.506
WKN / ISIN: A2LQ58 / DE000A2LQ850

Market Capitalization

What's the prospective shareholders structure of PREOS?

Development of free share through additional intake of self-competent investors and principals.

86%6%8%Today25%25%50%FutureStrategic investor pubility AGAnchor investors over € 10mn. investmentOther shareholders
86%8%6%Heute25%25%50%ZukunftStrategic investor publity AGAnchor investors over € 10mn. investmentOther shareholders

Flexibility through allocation into quoted subsidiaries at various finance markets

  • Self-reliant shareholders can decide on their own in which markets to invest
  • Different markets (client preferences, regulations) require different legal structures
  • Option for shareholders to purposefully invest only in home countries or preferred countries (e.g. German market trusted most, estimated return in London is higher)
  • Maximum diversification in PREOS Global Office Real Estate & Technology AG as mother of various market-listed proprietors and therefore participation in all quoted subsidiaries in respective countries